Monday, February 21, 2011

The Laramie Project

     The other day, I went to see The Laramie Project at West Liberty University.  It was the most moving show I have ever seen.

     The Laramie Project is about the town of Laramie, Wyoming, where a gay man was tied to a fence, beat, and left to die.  It was a hate crime.  A theater troupe went to the town six different times to conduct interviews of the people in the town.  The show is those interviews.  

     The picture shown above is my favorite scene in the show.  Fred Phelps, the leader of the Westboro Baptist Church, was outside the boy's funeral, "protesting".  Romaine Patterson, a close friend of the boy, was very disturbed by this.  So, to combat their hate, she founded Angel Action.  They dressed up as angels with wings 10 feet high and stood around the protesters, hiding them from the rest of the crowd and hiding their hateful signs.  

    The thing that moved me the most about that was the Westboro Church was supposed to be picketing the show.  The picket every showing of the Laramie Project.  They also picket soldier's funerals.  They picketed the Memorial Day parade in Washington D.C. last year when I was there.  They are allowed to believe what they believe.  I will not tell them they are wrong in what they believe.  But the hateful way they go about their religion is not ok.  It is not ok to picket a son's funeral.  The boy died.  Whether you believe in his lifestyle or not. How can you protest a soldier's funeral?  He died.  What is there to protest?  You can protest war.  But by causing a family so much hurt, what kind of Christian does that make you?  Jesus did not want us to hate.  Jesus did not hate.  God does not hate.  How can you justify your hate?

     Another part of the show that moved me was the interview with the young college girl who found the boy  tied to the fence.  She went for a bike ride.  She didn't really know where she was going, and even though she was riding through thick sand, she kept going.  Eventually, she hit a rock and went over the handle bars.  That's when she found him.  The thing she couldn't figure out was why God had led her to him.  Why did he want her to find him?  When the troupe interviewed her later, after the murderers trials, she had realized that it was so he didn't die alone.  She needed to find him so he could die with his family by his side.  

     If you ever get a chance to see The Laramie Project, I highly recommend it.  It's actually a movie also, so I suggest renting it.  It's a very wonderful show, with a wonderful message.

"But I liked him, see, because he was straightforward.  Maybe gay, but straightforward."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

      I have been one busy beaver.  We have practice everyday, even on Saturdays!  I don't really stop.  But I love it.  I've come to realize I hate not having something to do after school.  I just feel lazy.  Play practice just makes me so happy.  I get to spend time with my friends and it's just so much fun.  
    I'm trying to figure out my character.  The real Annie Oakley was one amazing woman.  She was full of spunk and drive.  My favorite thing that I read about her was that when she was in Germany, she shot the ashes off the Kaiser's cigarette.  The joke around the country was that if she had missed, she would have prevented World War 1.  When the war started, she wrote to the Kaiser and asked him if she could have a second shot.  bahaha.  What spunk?!  I love it.  And the true life love story of her and Frank Butler is wonderful.  He actually died of a broken heart when she died.  Well, he actually quit eating, but still....

    However, my Annie Oakley isn't really that...I mean, she gives up so Frank's ego won't be hurt and he'll marry her.  I would never ever do that.  If a guy can't accept the fact that I'm a better shot than him, then he's not the guy for me.  So, it's hard for me to do that section of the play.  But I'm really going to try to put the real Annie Oakley in there, because she was amazing and I believe I would count her as one of my heroes now.

    On another note, I got my housing information for Marshall, and I have to pick a Freshmen interest group, which will be a small group of kids like me and I'll have some of my classes with them.  But, the thing is, I have to choose between Chorus or Media Literacy. It's so hard.  I'm leaning more towards Chorus, even though I'm going into Journalism.  I don't ever want to stop singing.  The kids last year from Madrigal who didn't stay with music say they regret it.  I would miss it so much.  I don't think I could go without it.

     It was a beautiful day though.  I cannot wait until spring is here for good.  I know this is just a teaser.

    Oh!  The show is April 7, 8, and 9th, for anyone interested! :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Starring Role...with Hurt Feelings On the Side.

     Good news!  I got the lead!!  I am Annie! I am so excited!  It is really a great chance to act and become someone new and I cannot wait!  I am already in love with some of my songs, and I just got the script today! :)

    Excited as I am though, today wasn't so great.  People were really upset that they didn't get big parts, and they took it out on me.  My two best friends didn't even look at me today, let alone tell me congratulations.  That hurt me a lot.  If I was in their positions, I'd be disappointed, but I'd be able to tell them congrats and say I was happy for them.  But instead I was shunned.  I walked into the room today, and they completely ignored me.  I almost started to cry, ran out of the room and went straight into Ty's arms.  I didn't make the cast.  It's not my fault I was put in the lead.  And not to be conceited, but I have the most acting experience than any of them.  I've been doing this since the fifth grade and I've paid my dues.  I feel like I deserve this role and I deserve to be happy and excited about it.

     I hate when my friends let me down.  It happens too much in high school...

"I got lost in his arms...
I got lost, but look what I found."

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Real Quick News

   I almost forgot to say I have a call back tomorrow for Annie Get Your Gun!  Wish me luck!

Oh, and Steelers lost the Superbowl.  Bummer.  But, I like the Packers, so I can respect that.

High five for shortest blog! :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ice skating...on my driveway.

     While I do feel I got left out of the big storm of 2010, we definitely have some ice.  Snow, slush, rain, and then freezing temperatures have turned my driveway into a complete sheet of ice.  No fun, let me tell you.

     But, the ice did  not stop me from auditioning for Annie Get Your Gun today.  I think I did pretty good.  I really liked my monologue, and I definitely have the most experience.  So, keep your fingers crossed. 

     I love my new semester classes.  Speech is going to be awesome!  And being an office aid is great.  I like work like that.  If my journalism career doesn't work, I can for sure be a secretary.  

     My brain is a little scattered right now, but I do want you all to go on Itunes and check out Chaos Killed.  It's my boyfriend's brother's band.  They are the local hit, and they are just now on Itunes.  It would be great to show some support and buy some of their music.  I love it.  Plus, the songs are just .99!  Baltimore is my favorite.

"Leave me in this place,
While I find some peace."

It reminds me of camp.