Hello anyone who is reading,
There has been a long span of time since my last post. A lot has happened in that time, but I am not going to walk you step by step through that time. I will say it has been a time of growth.
I just read through my old posts. I actually complained about gas prices being $3.19! Isn't that a joke?
But I realized, I left this not very happy. Being a freshman in college was hard at first. Boy was I scared. Am I still scared? Yes. Do I still get homesick? Yes. But I am much more happy now because I learned to let it be.
By second semester of freshman year I had gathered a group of wonderful friends. They are really who have made Marshall what it is for me. They are why I love it here so much. I also love journalism. Really do.
I am now in my second semester of sophomore year. Next year I will be out of the dorms and in a house with four of my closest friends. I will hopefully (fingers crossed) be an editor for the school paper. It will also be time to apply for internships (yikes). So there is a lot of new, exciting, unknown and scary things happening in my life. But I have wonderful friends, still have a supportive family and loving boyfriend (yes we are still together and better than ever).
The lesson I have learned is you cannot change the past or control the future. You can't control those around you. You can't control what happens to you. So you have to let it be and go with the flow. This has helped me become a less stressed person. (Not to say some nights I can't sleep because scary thoughts of the future creep up on me)
It is nice to see how I have grown. Sometimes I feel like I am still 16. But reading through my past has really made me see how I have matured. Maybe I thought by this time I would have it all figured out. Maybe I thought I would be so confident I would be a whole new person. But I am essentially still the same person, just with lessons from God under my belt.
"And I can't change,
Even if I tried.
Even if I wanted to."
I'm still reading!! :) I love that this post popped up in my reader. I hope you keep documenting your journey!