Sunday, December 26, 2010

Welcome. Take off your shoes and stay awhile...

It's been a while since I had a blog. Middle school actually. That was a while ago...

I'm a senior now, in high school. That I should specify. I graduate at the end of May. I just got accepted to Marshall University, which I'm excited about? Trust me, the question mark is supposed to be there. When I got my acceptance letter, on Christmas Eve I might add, I burst into tears. I've now come to the conclusion that I was just overwhelmed. I wasn't expecting that letter yet. I'm excited now. And scared out of my mind.

This blog will mostly be about that. Me being scared out of my mind. I'm just a high school senior, trying to find her place in this world...

A few other things I should add. I'm in love. Really. I've been with the same boy for four years now. That my friends is a big deal. He is not going to Marshall. Reason number one I'm scared out of my mind.

I have many friends. Some I'm close too; others I'm not sure about. I sing, a lot (I'm president of the choir) and I act. I read. I want to be a journalist (another reason for this blog, experience writing). I believe in God. I don't, however, believe in love at first sight (ahah, surprised you didn't I?). My favorite band at the moment is Set Your Goals. Go take a listen to them if you don't know who they are. Really listen to the lyrics.

I hope you stick around with me for awhile and see what happens. In the meantime, welcome into my world. It's snowing at the moment and it's usually a little dysfunctional, but it's full of laughter and love. That I can promise.

"Don't be afraid to find a way,
Communicate your thoughts when its your own mind"
-Set Your Goals


  1. you are never alone. i love you soooo much. please please please please please please please lean on me when you need someone or even if you don't need me i still want to be there for you lol. I'm not going anywhere, ever. never ever. never. :) ever.

  2. I just found your blog and love it so much! I hope you keep up with it because it's so fun to read. :) I didn't know you were going to Marshall--so awesome! Congrats girl! Marshall is only about 25 minutes away from where I grew up--and I used to work at the Starbucks in Huntington! It's a shame I'm not there, now! Love you Taylor!
